Logo & Animation
Essential brand assets are requested for the purpose of website production for the ROAD Foundation, or Rediscovering Our American Dream Foundation. The site will serve as an online platform to invite and reflect personal anecdotes in an effort to retell the American dream. These video narratives will be relatable to economic mobility, immigration, diversity, the justice promise, civil rights, and all the stumbling blocks along the way. In addition are spotlights on entrepreneurship and labor leaders. What is YOUR American dream?
The ROAD project is noteworthy for having a statim timetable to produce multiple samples and motion design. These were produced in 10 days.
“We want to build community and engage Americans in the preservation & expansion of the American dream. We want it to feel warm, welcoming, and safe. We want to give a voice to people who feel voiceless in these national conversations. We want everyday people to have an equal platform to share their stories. We define, document, and defend the American dream.”